Hi there! I'm Christina/Kirari and this is my blog. I like to write about beauty items, brag about my latest finds, and get uber excited about upcoming things that I probably shouldn't get quite so excited about. I'm an early thirties plus-sized pseudo-goth social worker who likes to refer to herself as a drag queen in a woman's body. Two of my favorite things are dark lipstick and glitter.
I started this blog to collect my thoughts on some of the purchases that I've been making. I spend a massive amount of money on beauty products every month, lol. I love bold, daring looks, and I wear what I want. My makeup is part of my art; I do it because I love it. I do what I do to be me, not for attention. If I wanted attention, I'd wear a wedding dress and run screaming down the road with a frying pan on my head.
My opinions are my own. I don't sugar coat them. I'm sure I could be bought for the right amount of money, but I've not been offered it yet. :( That means that no matter how I obtained the item I review, my review is going to be honest. Unless there's a serious pile of money. Then I'm sure I'll talk about miracles while posting pictures of me reclining in said pile of money.
Did I mention that I would like to recline in a serious pile of money? My contact information is up top. :D